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Nordic Club News

Welcome to the Snow Valley Nordic Blog!


Hey ski friends!  

This will be a short.  But important.  Grab a cup of tea.

Important links for information

We are watching the forecast, and we are extremely hopeful that we will ALL be skiing this coming weekend!

There are two places to look for grooming updates:

Nordic Pulse  


Onion Lake Ski Trails Facebook page

If you are not on Facebook, you have to find someone who is, to give you updates and news.  It’s the easiest place for our groomers and other members to share ski club information, as things are  happening.  If you are waiting for an email to tell you to go skiing,

good luck with that!

Other good links:

Drive BC Highway Cam close to Onion Lake:

This is a really good place to see what’s happening on the highway, and also to see that it’s often a different weather system than what we are experiencing at home!


Environment Canada

Sometimes the forecast is accurate!

Women’s Ski Fest on February 11!

It’s happening!  

Poster with information is here:

REGISTRATION form is here:

We have to limit the number of participants, so register early.

Many of you have benefited from cross country ski lessons.  Over the years, volunteers from the club have stepped forward to learn how to teach cross country skiing to beginner and intermediate skiers, taking the courses offered by the

Canadian Association of Nordic Ski Instructors (CANSI).  

Would this interest you?  please say yes

You would gain not only skills for teaching adults how to ski, you would also advance your own ski level way beyond what you can do on your own.

And the other side of the coin:  We need more instructors for our club.  

We are offering the CANSI XC Level I course,

at Onion Lake Ski Trails, February 16-18, 2024.

Participants will initially have to pay the course fees, but the club will reimburse half the amount if you try out your new teaching skills in this ski season, and the other half will be reimbursed if you instruct in the 2024-2025 ski season.  (You will always be paired with a more experienced instructor as a beginner instructor.)  For information on prerequisites and the skiing standards that participants should have, and to sign up for the course, here is the link.  If you’ve been “on the fence” about the course, jump off the fence and register!  There will be no regrets for taking the course.

For further information, Cheryl and Julie are the ones to talk to.  email here

And for all of you already-certified instructors, most of you are due to attend a refresher course, which will be held on Monday, February 19, 2024, at Onion Lake Ski Trails.  This is free, but you need to sign up.  There are 6 more spots available.

See you on the trails!


Hey ski friends! Brrrrr! Seems kind of cold and no snow on the ground to make the most of the sub-zero temperatures! Wouldn’t it be great to be skiing in November? (Just don’t say that too loud if you are in mixed company of skiers and non-skiers!)

First on the AGENDA of this newsletter: AGM Thursday, November 16 6-8 p.m. at Sherwood Brewhouse Hall 4816 Hwy 16 W., Terrace Live music (featuring The Craic) will start at 6:00, meeting will start at 6:30-ish and will be followed by more music and time to socialize and be with (or meet new) winter friends. There will be snacks and the opportunity to purchase beverages (beer, pop, water, etc.). See POSTER for more details and better graphics.

Ski Swap on Saturday, Nov. 4th!

46th Annual Ski Swap Kitsumkalum Hall

(14295 Hwy 16W, Terrace)

If you are looking for used Nordic gear, or have Nordic gear you might want to sell at this event, the details for shopping and for consignment are on the poster. The Club is selling off some of the rental gear (boots, poles, skis) so there will be a good selection of Nordic gear.

SVNSC will also have a table at the ski swap, so stop in to say hi, and enter our draw for a package of stroopwafels.

We are also looking for volunteers to sit at the table for a few hours, to talk with the people, and to answer questions about Nordic gear. If this is something you would like to do, email

Work Party on Nov. 5th In case you think you’ve missed out on a fall work party, you haven’t! Sunday, November 5th, starting at 10 a.m., meet at the lodge. Dean has a few projects he’s dreamed up, including some trail pruning, and the perpetual need for bucking, hauling, and splitting wood for our lodge, shelters, and fire pits. We will provide lunch. On that note, are there any volunteers for making soup or sweets? Email Cathy:

SWAG Have you seen people wearing t-shirts or hoodies with a Snow Valley Nordic Ski Club and “Ski North” logos? Smokescreen Graphics from Smithers is taking orders now from all the northern ski clubs, for sweatshirts, t-shirts, hats, etc. Choose your product, choose the club’s logo, and the order will arrive in Terrace/Kitimat in early December. Your order must be in by November 8th.

See you on the trails!


Hey ski friends! The fall rains seem to have settled in…so instead of complaining, we are saving our energy to gear up for a great ski season! The snow hasn’t fallen yet, but ski club elves (i.e. volunteers) are readying the lodge and trails and rental shed for the start of our winter recreation wonderland out at Onion Lake Ski Trails. We have three things officially on our calendar for the fall, and then the newsy other bits of information will follow.

First thing on the calendar: memberships!

Exciting news from Pat, our membership director:

It's that time of the year again when we start to dust off our skis, register for SVNSC season passes and start thinking snow! Registration opened October 12th and can be done online or by mailing the printable form. As always, our Early Birds get lots of chances to win some cool prizes, including a free membership for the 2024-25 season. Be sure to register by December 1st (at midnight) to get in on the fun! Starting December 2nd, the rates will increase and there are no more draw prizes to be won.

Once you have registered as a ski club member, your passes will be mailed out on December 8th.

Also….. We are looking to the membership for some draw prizes for our Early Bird draws.

Goods, services, arts/crafts, food items...anything is appreciated! Please contact if you have something that you would like to donate.

Second thing on the calendar: ski swap!

46th Annual Ski Swap on Nov. 4th at Kitsumkalum Hall

If you are looking for used Nordic gear, or have Nordic gear you might want to sell at this event, the details for shopping and for consignment are on the poster.

Bart and his crew at Shames Mountain Ski Patrol organize this event every year and even our cross country club benefits from their expertise and first aid equipment.

SVNSC will have a table at the ski swap, so stop in to say hi, and enter our draw for a package of stroopwafels.

We are also looking for volunteers to sit at the table for a few hours, to talk with the people, and to answer questions about Nordic gear. If this is something you would like to do, email

Third thing on the calendar:

In case you think you’ve missed out on a fall work party, you haven’t!

Sunday, November 5th, starting at 10 a.m., meet at the lodge.

Dean has a few projects he’s dreamed up, including the construction of a small covered wood storage structure near the new shelter on the Moose Highway, and some trail pruning, and the perpetual need for bucking, hauling, and splitting wood for our lodge, shelters, and fire pits. We will provide lunch.

On that note, are there any volunteers for making soup or sweets?

Email Cathy:

NEW TROLLS COMING SOON TO THE TROLL TRAIL FOREST! Twenty-four wood troll heads are being prepped to have faces painted on them. After completion, the troll faces will be mounted in the trees for skiers to find. If you are aged 11 to 100, and interested in painting a troll face, this is a chance to display your artistic talent! If the Jackrabbit and Track Attack programs gave you your start in skiing, this is an opportunity to help encourage the next generation of young kids to ski. If you would like to participate, please email Colleen at The exact date for painting faces this fall is still to be determined.

Calling all coaches:

Lesley and Dara are looking for more coaches to help with the Jack Rabbit program this winter. If you already are a coach and haven’t been in touch with Lesley, please email her. If you aren’t a coach yet but would be interested in becoming a coach (we provide training), please email Lesley:

You won’t regret helping out with these keen little skiers! To quote one of our young skiers who was interviewed for a local news broadcast a few years ago, “I can feel the energy!” Come out and feel that energy! The Jack Rabbits program runs 10 weeks on Saturday mornings, January-March.

Many of you have benefited from cross country ski lessons. Over the years, volunteers from the club have stepped forward to learn how to teach cross country skiing to beginner skiers, taking the courses offered by the Canadian Association of Nordic Ski Instructors (CANSI). Would this interest you?

We are offering, once again, the CANSI XC Level I course, at Onion Lake Ski Trails, February 16-18, 2024. It’s a three-day course for those new to XC ski instruction. It will give you the skills and resources to teach classic and skate technique to beginner skiers using CANSI’s teaching methodology with a focus on safety and skill progression.

Participants will have to pay the course fees, but the club will reimburse half the amount if you try out your new teaching skills in this ski season, and the other half will be reimbursed if you instruct in the 2024-2025 ski season. (You will always be paired with a more experienced instructor as a beginner instructor.) For information on prerequisites and the skiing standards that participants should have, and to sign up for the course, here is the link.

And for further information, Cheryl and Julie are the ones to talk to!

And for all of you already-certified instructors, most of you are due to attend a refresher course, which will be held on Monday, February 19, 2024, at Onion Lake Ski Trails. This is free, but you need to sign up. There are 10 spots available.

See you on the trails!

Current Event

The Nordic Ski Club runs and maintains groomed 35km of trails for both Classic and Skate Skiing at the Onion Lake Ski Trails. located half-way between Kitimat and Terrace, BC on Highway 37. trails are open 24/7.

*Rentals, Lessons, and Trail maintenance may not operate if severe inclement weather prevails. Our parking lot is cleared after major streets in town have been cleared. Please check Facebook and the Weather Conditions prior to your journey. Always tell someone where you are going, ski with a friend, and please enjoy our trails responsibly at your own risk.

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