Hi everyone!
So much can happen in one week! Last week we were wondering if/when we could officially open. Now we have everything in place and the skiing has been great! I have tidbits of information from a variety of people, so please scroll through these separate messages from the people who work hard to keep the club running (and skiing!).
Liz Thorne, Club President
Merry Christmas to Skiers near and far (you’d be amazed at where these newsletters go!) We thought it would never get here but ski season is on! And it’s a perfect start – cold, clear and dry! With more of the same on the way as I write. How great is that?!
We seek your input into the club's future; with so many new members and the changes in the world (I'm looking at you, COVID!), the Board of our club wants to know what members think about how this Club is doing, what needs to be changed or improved, input about a new lodge, kids' and adult programs, etc. Please give us 10 minutes of your time to tell us what you think. Whether you have been members for 40 years, or are a brand new member and haven't put your skis on this season, we want to hear from you. The link to the club survey is here.
The Groomers are out and doing a fantastic job (MANY, MANY thanks to them). Please be careful around the machines. Stay where you can see the driver so he can see you. Climb the snowbank if necessary to get out of the way and DO NOT attempt to overtake and pass the machines. So either follow the groomer or choose a different trail.
Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and wonderful ski season!
and…… Think snow!!
Liz Thorne (Pres. SVNSC)
Oh yeah, Happy New Year too!
Pat Mouland, Membership Coordinator:
Woot woot!
We are 800+ skiers strong in our fabulous club and still growing. Please be sure to read the attached welcome letter with some useful info. Follow proper ski etiquette, found on the back of your pass and some tips in the letter.
If you don't have your pass, shoot me an email and I will check into it. If you think you filled out your form on Zone 4 and didn't get a confirmation email, check your junk mail. If it is not there, there is a good chance you didn't complete your online registration. So best to email me so I can check into it.
And remember, this is OUR club, all volunteer run. If we all contribute a little, we will only get stronger! Also, griping about things without stepping up to help out is not a contribution :)
See you on the trails! Read the membership letter here.
Dean Bergstrom, Grooming boss:
NEW!! Nordic Pulse Grooming reports can be found here; this is a new GPS-based system which monitors the groomers as they go about their hours of trail preparation. Right now, we have to access the information from the website, for free, and in the future, there will be a phone app (and not free). So bookmark the site and check it frequently, get used to looking at our map and trail information. Note the sponsor of the Onion Lake Ski Trails report is White Bear Industries. And if you ever want to ski in Smithers or Houston or Prince George, or beyond, you have access to their trail updates as well!
We are also looking for a few people who will take on the task of clearing snow from around the lodge after a snowfall. We have a snowblower for the task, just need some person-power to power it up and run it. Email Dean if you might be interested in helping with this. Jim can't do it all, and the groomers are out grooming! For those handy with small machines, this is your invitation to help out! And the rest of you: grab a shovel and clear walkways and decks, and shovel out the access to the wood shed, etc!
Amy Klepetar, JackRabbits Coach and Excellent Volunteer Recruiter:
Hi Club Members:
Our club executive and super-volunteers are looking at ways to get more of the members involved in the day to day small volunteer jobs that help us to keep running. None of these require skiing or machinery skills, but they are ones that will burn our super-volunteers out if they have to do them 5 days a week. We have decided to purchase a membership with signup.com to help schedule and manage volunteers and we are looking for a coordinator for the sign-up process.
The coordinator for this would:
-Become familiar with the software (https://signup.com/)
-Work with executive board members and frequent club volunteers to get thorough volunteer role descriptions that can be filled into the online sign-up sheet
-Work with the executive board members and frequent club volunteers to decide on how many shifts and roles are needed on which days
-Schedule in the shifts and role descriptions for the season (most would be recurring on a weekly basis)
-Via membership coordinator and through the facebook group, communicate to members that the sign-up is available and that they should sign up!
-For races and special events, there may be additional roles to input on separate sign-ups that are above and beyond the usual (usual roles: shovel snow off the deck and steps, set up ski racks, start and maintain the fire, fill the woodbox, sweep the lodge, clean high-touch surfaces, clean outhouses be a greeter, etc.)
-Depending on uptake, there may be a need for a reminder email every now and then to get shifts filled.
-For now the rental shed and coaching volunteers will not be using this software.
The software includes things like email reminders when you have a shift coming up, and also can facilitate switches with other volunteers. So-really, once the information is inputted, the coordinator would mostly be done for the season. If this is a position that you would be interested in exploring and setting up this volunteer software for the ski club, please contact Amy.
Message from Becky, local Spirit North Coordinator:
Spirit North is an organization committed to improving the lives of Indigenous children and youth through the transformative power of sport and play, and is recognized as one of Canada’s leading sport-for-social-development organizations. It's founder and CEO is Beckie Scott, the first Canadian to win an Olympic medal in cross country skiing, in 2002. She had a total of 17 World Cup podium finishes. Now she's bringing her love of Nordic skiing to kids all over western Canada through ski programs in schools and communities. Kitsumkalum school was one of two schools that started the program in BC several years ago. The local program has now grown to include after-school ski adventures for teens (in collaboration with Kermode Friendship Society), and children from Suwilaaks and Caledonia schools in Terrace. Becky is the organizer of this program, and is seeking help with school groups on Tuesday mornings and Fridays (morning and afternoon groups), starting January 7th. If there's anyone out there who can help Becky and her small crew of teachers/coaches with on-snow skiing supervision and fun, please contact Cathy. Read more about Spirit North here. This program is making a difference in kids' lives.
Thank you's
The Executive acknowledges the following businesses that have donated (financially and/or service) so early in this ski season:
Josh Bruni (Primerica) made a generous contribution.
Silvertip Signs donated all the new signs you will see around the lodge.
NAPA donated enough hand sanitizer to keep us stocked for several years!
White Bear Industries is the sponsor for the new Nordic Pulse grooming website/app.
If you know these people and these businesses, please let them know how much we appreciate their kindness and generosity.
Sunday, Dec. 19:
Rental shed open 1-4
Waxing clinic starts at 2:00 p.m., in the lodge. Bring your mask and all your questions. Terry Brown has the expertise to get you started on waxing your skate skis or your waxless skis!
The rental shed's Christmas holiday (December 20-Jan 3) hours will be:
Monday-Friday from 1-4
Saturdays from 10-4 (closed on Christmas Day)
Sundays from 11-4.
also posted on the website (snowvalleynordics.com) and on the FB page.

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