Hello skiers and friends of skiers! This is a longer newsletter, because it's the beginning of the season and there are many things to talk about. Give us a few minutes of your time, and you won't be sorry.
President's Perspective
Rob Onstein
Welcome to all Nordic Skiers, both new members, previous members and day pass users. With a dusting of snow on the ground (sorry not enough to ski yet, but it’s a start!) your club is getting excited to welcome you to our trails.
Firstly, I will bring to your attention that this is not Liz, after many great years as your Club President, Liz and her hard working husband Jim have made the decision to make the move down south. The club wants to acknowledge their many many years of hard dedicated work they provided to the club, and truly, we would not be where we are today, without the dedicated work that they gave to the club. We wish them the very best.
At our AGM on October the 28th, your club elected a new board of directors. We are excited to have some new faces to our group.
President – Robert Onstein
Vice President – Cathy Vandenberg
Secretary – Veronica Chinchilla
Treasurer – Sue Bergstrom
Directors: Grooming – Dean Bergstrom
Athletics – Pam Gueguen
Membership – Pat Mouland
Facilities - Vacant
Past President – Liz Thorne and Dan McElheron
Directors At Large: Graham Gueguen
Cheryl Brown
Lisa Hanna
This is an incredible group of volunteers that forms a piece of the puzzle that makes Snow Valley Nordic Ski Club, and the Onion Lake Ski trails the beautiful picture that it is. It is a pleasure to work with them.
Now, a small bit about me, you may ask, who is our new president. Well firstly I am new to cross country skiing. 3 years ago, my wife April and I were lucky enough to be able to move out to live at Lakelse Lake. One of our friends suggested that we try cross country skiing, especially as we live so close to the trails. We both enjoyed it so much that we bought our own gear and signed up as members for the next year. Last year, we sold our interests in our main businesses and thought, hey we can help at the trails. Next thing you know, I became a member of your executive and started my training as one of the groomers. Now, it is unusual to have such a new member take on the role of president. I do not bring with me years of skiing experience, or immersion in the culture of Nordic skiing, but I do bring to the table, many years of volunteering at an executive level with many different not for profit/charities. So, be patient while I learn the lingo, the culture and even our trails.
Hope to see you on the trails. If you have any questions or concerns about your club, please reach out and ask, if nothing else we can learn together! (email Rob here)
Robert Onstein
SVNSC President
Membership Musings
Pat Mouland
We currently have 483 members who have taken advantage of the early bird prices. December 2nd the prices will increase to our regular season prices. There is still time to get in on the early bird prices though, and get entered for the December 1 early bird draw prizes.
Congratulations to our prize winners so far:
Michelle Peacock - 5 free day tickets
Larry Proteau - Skeena III Photograph Book donated by Brandon Roderick
Bobbi Pastershank - SVNSC mug donated by Mudder Nature Pottery
Marilyn Earl - Merino wool socks donated by Sidewalkers
Jane McKinnon - Merino wool socks donated by Sidewalkers
Sarah Knowles - Merino wool socks donated by Sidewalkers
Kelly Wood - seasons pass for the 2023-24 ski season donated by SVNSC
Carmen Pastershank - metal print donated by Icecoast Photography
Taya Geuze - $50 Spotted Horse Nursery gift certificate donated by Cathy Gavronsky plus a bulb and plant pot donated by Spotted Horse
Still lots of great prizes up for grabs so get you membership before the price change on December 2.
Jack Rabbit Report
Dara and Lesley
Thanks to all the coaches who have volunteered this winter to deliver lessons for kids! So far our coaching numbers are right about where we need them for the number of kids enrolled. If you forgot to sign your kid up - now’s the time! (JackRabbit registration form is here.) There are still a couple of spots left in Jackrabbits 1/2, Track Attack and New to Skiing. Seasonal rentals for JR kids will be on Dec. 10; the program coordinators will be sending out the sign-up sheet for the rental day. The first Jack Rabbit lesson will be Jan 7.
Annual Snow Camp December 9-11, for kids 9-17 years old. This is a really great event sponsored by the Bulkley Valley Nordic Club (Smithers), and kids from all corners of northwest BC attend. See more details here.
New Shelters! Check them out!
Lisa Hanna
Scenic Viewpoint Shelters Nearly Complete
Last winter, our club applied for several grants to fund construction of two outdoor, all-season shelters. Club members had discussed the value of additional shelters on our trail system for a couple of years. The need for these features became more pressing during covid when we were restricted from gathering indoors. We were fortunate to receive enough funding to build both shelters, from Northern Development Initiative Trust ($30,000), the Port of Prince Rupert Community Investment Fund ($27,000) and Terrace Community Forest ($10,000).
An invitation to quote on shelter construction was issued in the late spring of 2022 to several local builders. Our successful bidder was Rob Seaton, with Northwest Escapes Ltd. Rob has significant experience with similar construction at BC Parks locations, and we are so thankful for the energy and workmanship that he is putting into these two beautiful post and beam, metal roofed structures.
This winter, you must be sure to set both locations on your ski route plans, to take full advantage of these lovely new resting places. The largest shelter is at Onion Lake Viewpoint, on the Clearwater Trail. It will have two picnic tables and a wood stove to warm your fingers, if you have time to set up the fire and stay awhile.
The second, smaller shelter is on the Moose Highway, at the Lakelse Lake Viewpoint. Located at almost the most distant point from the stadium on our trail system, it will have one picnic table, and stand-up bar height table and an outdoor fire pit. Staining of the tongue and groove ceilings will be completed in the spring.
When construction is complete, we will be making signs to acknowledge our funding partners, and when enough snow is on the ground, we will be sure to host a ‘grand opening event’.

Enough already! (Reading your mind, because that's what you are really thinking!)
Please note that things like rental shed hours, adult instruction, outhouse cleaning schedule, etc., will be posted on the website once we have snow on the ground and we commence with normal ski activities.
See you on the trails!