Happy Thanksgiving everyone! The snow is creeping down the mountains and we’re starting to get our hopes up! We had a very busy and productive work party at the end of September and Dean and the groomers have organized a lift and lots of bodies to prune back the overhanging branches in a lot of places around the trails this weekend. We couldn’t survive without such an amazing bunch of volunteers!
The annoying news is that for no reason at all, our website has crashed and Paul and Tara are working at getting it back up and running. The up side of this is that Tara has been putting in hours over the summer building us a new website altogether. It’ll be ready in a week or 2 but meanwhile, right when we need it, the web has let us down.
So here’s the link to sign up online: https://zone4.ca/register.asp? id=21901&lan=1&cartlevel=1 If you’re not buying the membership and you just want to sign your kids up for Rabbits, the form is attached to this newsletter. Print it and mail it in with a cheque. Don’t send cash in the mail! If you don’t have cheques but have a chequing account, your bank will print you a few cheques if you ask them. Also at the attached to the newsletter is the membership form if prefer not to sign up online. Again, print and mail. Sorry, we aren’t doing e-transfers.

Speaking of Rabbits, several of our coaches are not going to be available this winter. This means that if we can’t replace them, we’ll need to place a cap on the number of Rabbits registrations we can accept. Please, please consider becoming a coach! We want as many kids as we can, to learn to love skiing and the outdoors in the winter!
The process is simple. The Introduction to Community Coaching (“ICC”) is an online course and the Club will reimburse you if you coach this season. You don’t have to be an expert skier and you will be paired with an experienced coach for at least the 1 st season if not the 2nd and 3rd. When you’re ready, the Community Coaching Course is offered on snow. Travis Carter teaches it here at the trails and the cost is covered by the Club. You will learn how to plan ski lessons--great ideas of fun ways to teach skills. If you are already an assistant, please consider doing the CC course this fall. If you’ve never coached and have kids in Rabbits, consider stepping up and trying it out; more coaches makes the program possible for your kids and others as well. A Criminal Record check (easily done for free, on line) is also required. Contact Travis at travisluvsbikes@gmail.com if you can help out.
The AGM Is this coming Friday, Oct. 18, at the trails, starting at 7:30. Bring a few goodies and/or fireworks to share and we’ll get through the business part and snowvalleynordics.com Snow Valley Nordic Ski Club October 2019 move on to eating, socializing and letting of the aforementioned fireworks. (You know, the important things!) Kids are welcome – bring flashlights and warm clothing so they can play. Kids are welcome to sit in on the meeting and see how a Club is run if they like. They have to be 16 to vote.
The new wood stove has been installed at the Moose Hut and it’s a beauty! Thanks to Ian Gordon and his band of volunteers who replaced the chimney at the work party and who went out with his employee to install the stove this week.
The Snow Shoe/Fat Bike trail is now ready for business! It begins and ends by the outhouses and is a 4.7 km loop bottoming out at the Onion Trail overlooking the Lake. There are 5 cross trails so the length can be shortened and lots of signs will go up this week. Snowshoe and bike passes are $5 and a season pass is the same as a ski pass. Season passes include both skiing and snow shoeing/fat biking. Forest Ministry rules state that fat bikes with a throttle are not permitted on our trails.
People have been asking me about the availability of 2nd hand skis. Sometimes there are notices on the board in the lodge and sometimes they’re posted on the facebook page. There is also the big Ski Swap in Terrace on Nov. 9. http://zone.skipatrol.ca/skeena/?p=30 This is a fundraiser for the Ski Patrol and ski clubs on Shames. There’s never a lot of Nordic gear, but there’s usually something. Get there early. If you have gear you wish to sell, we encourage you to put it in the Swap (drop of is Nov. 8). Ski Patrol will take a % but it’s a very worthwhile cause! More about this in the next newsletter! Stay tuned!
And don’t forget to order your SnowValley hoodies, deadline for ordering is Oct. 18. https://stores.inksoft.com/ ski_north_cross_country_team/shop/home
Coming Events!
Oct. 18 – AGM – with fireworks! Really!
Nov. 8-9 - Ski Swap (Terrace) TBA – Community Coaching workshop
Jan. 4 – Rabbits start
Jan. 25 – Snow Valley Open Race
Feb. 22 – Snow Valley Marathon
TBA – Feb. – Women’s Fest
Mar. 1 – Tour de Soup TBA – CANSI course
Aaaand... Think Snow!
Liz Thorne
(Pres. SVNSC )